Below is the list of the new applications recently available for registration.
The e-bike incentive registration link will be available after you complete your profile and sign in. Please click on the 'Sign In' at the top right of this page to sign up.
Application Process

1. Pre-Application
During the 12-day open registration period, City of Boston residents are able to register for the incentive type and E-Bike type they want by supplying their address and contact information.

2. Random Selection
A list of selected applicants will be generated through an automated random selection process for each voucher type. Applicants who are selected will be notified via email on the day of selection. The email will be sent from

3. Application Completion
Selected applicants will have 7 days to complete their application and provide proof of residency and other qualifying documentation.

4. Voucher Award
Applications will be reviewed within 7-10 business days. Applicants whose application is completed and approved will receive an email with their voucher details. Applicants will have 90 days to redeem their voucher at a participating E-Bike retailer.
Adaptive E-Bike Application Process

1. Application
Persons with a permanent disability who wish to purchase an adaptive E-Bike, will be able to apply at any time during a 30-day application period. Applicants will supply their address and contact information as well as qualifying documents on this one step application.

2. Schedule Adaptive E-Bike Fitting Appointment
Once the application for an adaptive E-Bike voucher is reviewed and the qualifying documents are verified, applicants will be invited via email to attend an adaptive bike fitting session.

3. Attend Adaptive E-Bike Fitting Appointment
At the adaptive bike fitting session, experts will be on hand to help applicants determine E-Bike options that best suit their needs. Applicants will need to attend a fitting session before a voucher is issued.

4. Voucher Awarded
Applicants who attend a fitting session will receive an email with their voucher details within 48 hours. Applicants will have 120 days to redeem their voucher at a participating E-Bike retailer.